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7 Best WordPress Full Site Editing Themes (2024)

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Are you looking for the perfect WordPress Full Site Editing theme? Well, guess what? You’ve come to the right place. Full Site Editing (FSE) is revolutionizing the way we build and customize websites.

The FSE themes gives you complete control over every part of your WordPress website. You won’t need to write a single line of code. Choosing the right FSE theme can make a huge difference in website development.

That’s why we’re going to review the 7 best WordPress Full Site Editing themes for you. These themes have great flexibility, design, and user-friendliness.

What is WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE)?

You might be thinking, “What’s Full Site Editing? FSE gives you the ability to design and customize every part of your website including headers, footers, and sidebars. You can also edit individual posts and pages using it.

The traditional customization option for WordPress involved tweaking code or relying on page builders previously.  After the release of FSE you have the full control to edit your entire website using the drag and drop block editor.

Everything on your website becomes a block on FSE themes. You can easily rearrange these blocks, add new ones, and customize them with a few clicks. You can also change fonts, colors, layouts on the FSE themes.

We’ll discuss some key factors to consider when selecting the perfect FSE theme in the next section. These tips will help you find the best WordPress Full Site Editing Theme.

Criteria for Selecting the Best FSE Themes

Let’s talk about finding the perfect WordPress Full Site Editing Theme (FSE theme) for your website. The right theme will let you build your website without much hassle.

Some key factors to consider when choosing a WordPress Full Site Editing theme:

  • Different FSE themes are suitable for different website types. Some themes are good for e-commerce and some are great for bloggers. You need to determine which type of website you will be creating before getting a FSE theme.
  • Always go for a user-friendly theme. Check if you are comfortable with the customization options. Some FSE themes are developed for beginners. On the other hand, some FSE themes are for the advanced users.
  • Make a list of the features that you need on your website. Then check if the WordPress FSE theme has those features.
  • How much control do you want over your website’s design? Some FSE themes offer a wide range of customization options. On the other hand, some themes offer minimal design options.
  • Free themes are great for starters. Go for a free theme if you’re new to WordPress website development. Consider purchasing premium themes if you want advanced features and dedicated support.
  • Check if the theme is compatible with popular plugins and tools you plan to use. Such as WooCommerce or page builders like Elementor or Beaver Builder.
  • Select a theme that comes with reliable support and regular updates. This ensures that any issues are addressed. This also ensures the theme remains compatible with future WordPress updates.
  • Read user reviews and testimonials. A theme with positive feedback and a good reputation is more likely to meet your expectations.
  • Try theme demos or trial versions to see how it works in real-time. This can help you determine if the theme meets your requirements before buying.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer in FSE themes. The best choice depends on your preferences. 

You’re ready to explore Top 7 WordPress Full Site Editing Themes with these criteria in mind. So, let’s explore the top FSE themes that will transform how you create websites!

Top 7 WordPress Full Site Editing Themes for 2024

Here are the top 7 WordPress FSE themes. Each theme comes with unique features.

1. Blocksy

Blocksy is a beginner friendly WordPress Full Site Editing theme. This theme has a quick load time and is clean. It also comes with various customization options. 

Blocksy is perfect for:

Blocksy is for bloggers, business owners, and beginners who want fast website that’s easy to customize.

Here’s what makes Blocksy stand out in the FSE crowd:

  • Blocksy ensures your website loads quickly.
  • Modern web technologies for optimal performance.
  • Work seamlessly with the Gutenberg editor.
  • Offers various customization options.
  • Ideal for business agencies, shops, corporate sites, educational institutions, restaurants, blogs, portfolios, landing pages, and more.
  • Works well with popular WordPress page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, and Brizy.
  • Ensures your website is responsive and looks great on all devices.
  • Easily translatable to different languages.
  • Built with SEO in mind to help improve your website’s visibility.
  • Includes WooCommerce support for creating online stores.

2. Neve FSE Theme

Neve is a popular theme that has taken the WordPress world by storm. It also has an FSE version that’s also popular. Neve FSE is a user-friendliness and fast loading WordPress Full Site Editing theme for beginners.

Neve FSE is perfect for: 

Website owner, blogger, or anyone who wants a simple and quick website.

Here’s what makes Neve FSE a winner for website newbies:

  • Neve FSE is an experimental variant of Neve theme which is designed specifically for full-site editing.
  • Features a minimalist design.
  • Fully compatible with full-site editing capabilities.
  • Comes with predefined design patterns for easy customization.
  • Suitable for blogs, small businesses, startups, agencies, firms, e-commerce shops, personal portfolio sites, and more.
  • Have several style options.

3. FastX – WordPress FSE Theme

FastX is a WordPress Full Site Editing theme that lives up to its name! This theme is all about blazing-fast loading speeds and user-friendly customization. It’s a great choice for anyone who wants a website that performs like a champ.

FastX – WordPress FSE Theme is perfect for: 

It’s also a great choice for those who use the PostX plugin for news and magazine websites. Also great for bloggers, marketers, and agencies. 

Features of FastX – WordPress FSE Theme:

  • FastX prioritizes speed, ensuring your website loads quickly.
  • Utilizes the full site editor to create unique templates for all essential pages.
  • Offers 10 theme styles for color and typography customization to establish your brand identity.
  • Seamlessly integrates with the #1 News plugin, PostX.
  • Allows you to build News Magazine sites and Blogs with PostX starter sites in just three simple steps.

4. Catch FSE

Catch FSE also has a clean design and block editing. This theme helps website creation on WordPress accessible to everyone.

Catch FSE is perfect for: 

Catch FSE is a great choice for those who love a theme that focuses on readability and clean layouts.

Features of Catch FSE:

  • Catch FSE is a free WordPress theme designed for Full Site Editing using blocks.
  • Features a responsive and minimalist design.
  • Utilizes the Global Styles feature introduced in WordPress 6.0.
  • Has Dark and Light color schemes for site-wide customization.
  • Allows easy content creation using block patterns with a drag-and-drop interface.
  • Includes 15 block patterns, 15 FSE Templates, and 9 Template Parts for customizable corporate site building.
  • Provides custom blocks such as About Us, Call to Action (CTA), Featured Content, and more.

5. Bricksy WordPress Full Site Editing Theme

Bricksy is another user-friendly FSE theme. It has customization options for building your website like playing with Lego blocks!

Bricksy is perfect for:

Beginners and design enthusiasts will love the interface and drag-and-drop functionality of Bricksy.

Features of Bricksy WordPress Full Site Editing Theme:

  • Bricksy is a free WordPress theme based on blocks.
  • It combines classic design elements with the modern layout.
  • Packed with pre-designed block patterns.
  • Built to maximize the benefits of Full Site Editing in WordPress.

6. Jaxon FSE Theme

Jaxon FSE theme is also created by the talented folks at ThemeIsle. Jaxon is a minimalist theme with clean design. It also comes with powerful FSE customization options.

Jaxon is perfect for: 

Blogger, small business owner, or entrepreneur building a website with a focus on clean design.  It’s also a great choice for those who want easy customization options.

Here’s are the features of the Jaxon FSE theme:

  • Jaxon features a modern and clean design.
  • Built to fully leverage full-site editing capabilities in WordPress.
  • Suitable for blogs, small businesses, startups, agencies, firms, e-commerce shops, personal portfolio sites, and more.
  • Offers predefined design patterns for easy customization.
  • Includes various style variations to accommodate different design preferences.

7. Twenty Twenty-Four

Twenty Twenty-Four is developed by the official WordPress team! It’s fully FSE compatible. It’s a great option for those who want to experience the power of Full Site Editing without going outside the familiar WordPress environment.

Twenty Twenty-Four is perfect for:

Great choice for those who appreciate a theme that’s easy to customize without feeling overwhelming.

Features of Twenty Twenty-Four:

  • If you’re comfortable with the standard WordPress interface, Twenty Twenty-Four feels like home. 
  • It integrates seamlessly with the Gutenberg block editor.
  • Twenty Twenty-Four is a fantastic theme for beginners.
  • Twenty Twenty-Four comes with a pre-designed template to jumpstart your website.
  • Twenty Twenty-Four is a lightweight and mobile-friendly Full Site Editing theme.
  • Twenty Twenty-Four includes a library of built-in block patterns.


By now, your head is probably buzzing with all these amazing options. Don’t worry, choosing the perfect WordPress Full Site Editing Theme doesn’t have to be a website-building Everest.

Remember the criteria we discussed earlier? Think about your website’s needs, level with customization, and the features that are most important to you.

Once you have a clearer picture, you can revisit these fantastic FSE themes and see which one best fits your website’s personality.

So, grab your favorite FSE theme, and get ready to build something truly remarkable!

Happy building! We’ll be here with more WordPress tips and listicles in future posts.

What exactly are FSE themes?

FSE themes are WordPress themes designed to work with the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg). This means you can use drag-and-drop functionality to edit your entire website. You can even edit headers, footers, content sections, and layouts.

Are FSE themes better than regular WordPress themes?

Not necessarily! Regular WordPress themes can still be fantastic options. However, FSE themes offer a more visual and user-friendly way to build and customize your website. They’re perfect for those who want more control over the design.

I’m a complete beginner. Are FSE themes easy to use?

Many FSE themes are very beginner-friendly! They often come with friendly interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-built templates. Some themes even offer helpful tutorials and resources to guide you.

Are WordPress Full Site Editing Themes mobile-friendly?

Yes, most WordPress Full Site Editing themes are responsive. They have a consistent user experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

What are the benefits of using a WordPress Full Site Editing Theme?

Using a WordPress Full Site Editing theme offers several advantages:
Design Freedom: Customize your entire site layout with ease.
User-Friendly: Friendly interfaces make customization accessible to all users.
SEO Optimization: Many FSE themes are built with clean code and optimized for search engines.
Performance: Themes designed for FSE often prioritize speed and efficiency.
Versatility: Suitable for various types of websites, from blogs and portfolios to e-commerce stores and corporate sites.

What are some things to consider when choosing an FSE theme?

Here are a few key factors to keep in mind:
Website type: Is your website a blog, a business website, or an online store? Different FSE themes cater to different website needs.
Skill level: Are you a beginner or a tech-savvy website whiz? Choose a theme that matches your comfort level with customization.
Features: Does the theme offer the specific functionalities you need for your website, such as e-commerce integration or custom post types?
Customization options: How much control do you want over the look and feel of your website?
Free vs. premium: Consider your budget and website needs when deciding between a free or premium FSE theme.

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