
WPB WooCommerce Product Slider Documentation

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WPB WooCommerce Product Slider Documentation:

New Features : 

  • Slider design is now more cool.
  • Show product in slider by SKU
  • Visual Composer addon support.
  • No more coufusing settings, Settings panel is now vary easy & simple.
  • Custom CSS field support in setting panel.
  • You can enable or disable the title, category, price even add to cart button also.
  • Control number of product to show in phone, tab, small screen.
  • Image height & width define feature
  • Product order & orderby.

Basic use
Will show you a slider of all products.


Category Product
Will show you a slider of products form specific categorys. Needs comma separated category IDs.

[wpb-product-slider category="20,50,99"]

Featured Product
Will show you a slider of products form featured products.

[wpb-product-slider product_type="featured"]

Products ID
Will show you a slider of products form specific products ID. Needs comma separated products ID.

[wpb-product-slider id="67,70,73"]

Products SKU
Will show you a slider of products form specific products SKU. Needs comma separated products SKU.

[wpb-product-slider skus="khan,imran"]

Products Attribute
Will show you a slider of products form specific products attribute and attribute values. Needs comma separated attribute values like bellow.

[wpb-product-slider attribute="color" filters="black,blue,green"]

Advance Use of Shortcode

[wpb-product-slider title="Hot Collections" product_type="category" category="shirt,pant,t-shirt" items="4" items_desktop="3" items_desktop_small="3" items_tablet="2" items_mobile="1" width="320" height="300" theme="ben-box" orderby="none" order="ASC"]

20attributenullProduct attribute nameProduct attribute name.21filtersnullProduct attribute values.Product attribute values. Multiple attribute values by comma separated.

ID Attribute Default value options Description
 1 title null Slider title.
 2 theme grid cs-style-3 ben-box Slider support two different theme.
 3 nav true false Slider navigation at top right corner.
 4 autoplay true false Slider autoplay.
 5 stop true false Slider stop on mouse hover.
 6 pagination false true Slider pagination at bottom.
 7 count false true Slider counting.
 8 items 4 ANY Number Number of product on default screen.
 9 items_desktop 3 ANY Number Number of product on screen size 1199px
 10 items_desktop_small 3 ANY Number Number of product on screen size 979px
 11 items_tablet 2 ANY Number Number of product on screen size 768px
 12 items_mobile 1 ANY Number Number of product on screen size 479px
 13 speed 1000 ANY Number Slider speed in millisecond.
 14 width 320 ANY Number Product image width in Pixel.
 15 height 300 ANY Number Product image height in Pixel.
 16 crop true false Product image hard crop or not.
 17 orderby none ID/author/title/date/rand Product orderby. Detalis Here.
 18 order DESC ASC Product order
19 posts -1 Any number Number of products to show in your slider. Default it will show all.


Best selling products slider:

On version 3.05.3 we added a new feature for showing the best selling products slider. Go to the shortcode generator select product type to best selling and set orderby to meta_value_num. Now you can select order to DESC or ASC as your need.

WooCommerce Best Selling Products Slider

Video Documentation

Shortcode Builder:




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